
Centre d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (CAVAC) Centre de l’île


Accompaniment: Approach to the police or various resources, support throughout the legal process, especially during testimony in court.
Post-traumatic and psychosocial intervention: Evaluation of needs and resources in order to offer an adapted intervention aimed at reducing the consequences of the criminal act and promoting recovery.
Legal information: Filing a complaint with the police, monitoring the various stages of legal proceedings and decisions.
Information on rights: Compensation programs, legal process and other actions.
Technical assistance: Help with submitting applications or producing documents to exercise rights (IVAC, victim statement, etc.).
Referral to specialized resources: Based on specific legal, medical, social or other needs.

*Interpretation service available on request*

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


À PROXIMITÉ du Métro Beaubien (adresse Métro Beaubien : 6530 Av. De Chateaubriand, Montréal, QC H2S 2N7)


English, French, Interpretation available