Agir montréal

Individual Support Members of our Individual Support Team work one-on-one with individuals to assess their needs and help them receive the support they need. This can be for a variety […]

Cari St-Laurent

Reception and integration: Assistance with settlement and integration procedures, Technical assistance with administrative forms, Assistance with finding accommodation, Swearing in (certified copies, solemn declaration), Legal clinic, Declaration of income, Information, […]


French lessons (Levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Intermediate. Choice of 6, 9 or 12 hours per week (depending on availability). The certificate issued is valid for citizenship application. Financial assistance […]

Aire ouverte

Services adapted to client’s needs and physical or mental health problems, advice for relationships with others, studies, work, or even information on possible financial and legal assistance, and support for […]

Urgence-dépendance en toxicomanie

Are you in crisis and distress because you have used drugs, alcohol or both? Is someone you know in this situation? Professionals (e.g. nurses, social workers) are there 24 hours […]